Everyone kept saying that it was so much fun to buy for a little girl and it seemed like the UPS man could not pass my house without dropping off a dress for Abby! It was only fitting that I (who had just a touch of hellion in me during my youth) would be the one with a beautiful girl-child! I can remember that I had wanted a boy but after she came I kept wanting more little girls! It didn't take her long to ensnare me with those long eye lashes and sweet little smile. She knew what she was doing when she would tell whoever we were talking to that she was "Daddy's Heart!" Before she was born, Angie and I were driving to the hospital and I told Angie that if there was a complication that I would tell the doctor to save her and not to worry about the baby. At Abby's first birthday Angie jokingly asked me how I felt about that statement to which I replied, "If that happened now . . . we sure would miss you!" The thing that I love the most about her is that she is a mixture of the very best of both her Mother and myself. She is compassionate, smart, driven, thoughtful and VERY determined. I am never surprised when I find that she has given her money to someone that doesn't have any or gives her toys to someone that doesn't have as much as she does. She hones her sales ability by working me like nobody else can. I sit back at times and shake my head at sales tactics that took me years to perfect and to which she seems to use with an ease and the practice of an adult! Her abilities have left me with anything from painted toenails to catalogue orders place on my AMEX. I am SURE this does not bode well for my financial future but I simply can not resist her charms! She is now the Mother Hen for her two brothers and in return they adore her and would fight you tooth and nail over her. Her talents are endless and my life is so much richer because of her presence.
You never know where Life will take you and I hope that you will enjoy sharing my journey! It is often wild, scary, funny, joyous, and most DEFINITELY interesting. These are stories from my everyday and my past. Enjoy!
Sunday, December 11, 2011
The Princess is in the HOUSE!!
I feel that there may be a special place in Hell for a man that won't write an entry about his beautiful daughter . . . so here it is! We were a family that was rich with boys and poor in girls and by that I mean we had ZERO girls in the Sellers Family. My Papa Sellers had 3 boys and those boys each had 2 boys. Brian had 2 boys and then I stepped in and saved the day!! Abbigail Caitlyn Sellers arrived on June 14, 2004 and my life has never been the same. She was well received and much in demand! Let me stop here and tell the story of her birth. We Sellers Children tend to come into this world with a BANG not a whimper! I have always been told that the two happiest days of your life are the day you get married and the day you have your first child. Well I would like to correct this misconception because that is a lie . . . no not a lie . . . that is a damn lie!! Those are the two most stressful days of your life! On one of those days you are making promises to God in front of ALL of your family and friends about FOREVER and on the other one of those days you have the woman you love in a lot of pain and in a very dangerous situation! Now I am not saying that I regret those days but while they are happening you are stressed beyond belief!!! It was only appropriate that the beginning of Abby's birthday would start with one of Angie's "I told you so" moments. It had been a long day for me in the Coffee Business and I wanted to go straight to bed. Angie told me you need to make sure we have gas in my car and take a bath before bed because I am PREGNANT and you never know . . .!! Long story short, I didn't do either and at about 11pm she was in the bathroom and her water broke. I was excited and nervous and . . . and CRAZY because to quote a very popular film, "I don't know nothing 'bout birthing no babies!" Angie (who remained calm) told me we were in no rush. Take a bath. Let's go get gas. Call our parents. Put the bag that I have packed into the car and most importantly "It's going to be alright!" (I would like to say here that this is normal for our lives. I am the one that gets "worked up" and she is ALWAYS the one that calms me down and keeps me sane.) We made a very large caravan heading to Douglas, Ga. for "The Birth". My parents, her parents, my brother and his family, her sister and her family, and many cousins (from all over the state) descended on that hospital to greet our newest addition!! Once we arrived we were placed on a "hurry up and wait" schedule. Angie's body wasn't quite as ready as Abby was for her arrival. Angie was in pain so I reminded the hospital staff that we had signed up for ALL of the drugs and that she could use a little help! If I had been in my right mind I would have tempered Angie's pain scale. She said she was at about an 8 and for most people that means about a 3 but in my current state I forgot to tell the staff and they gave her a large dose of the good stuff! Angie (who never takes more than an aspirin) started talking crazy! The dog was eating rocks and she was pissed because I couldn't understand her! About this time Abby's heart rate went crazy and doctor's and nurses came from EVERYWHERE!! After about 15 minutes of VERY tense and stressful activity everything leveled out and danger was averted! Everyone left the room for us to rest (Angie was asleep) and after all of that stressful activity I felt just a touch of gas so I thought "nobody here . . . why not?" It was AWFUL!! About that time a nurse came back in and I just looked at her and said, "Is that normal?" She said, "Don't you say anything! She doesn't even know she did it!" I said, "Oh . . . O.K.." (I wouldn't share this story with Angie until AFTER we left the hospital for fear she would want to straighten this misinformation out!) The next day after many hours they decided that Abby would enter this world through a C-section. I was told to dress in this surgical attire and that they would come to get me when they were ready for me in the operating room. After about 15 minutes this man comes and tells me that there had been a complication and that I can't come in with them but for me instead to wait in the lobby with the rest of the family. So here I am. Dressed for surgery. Blood Pressure is through the roof with a wife in surgery with complications awaiting my first child. Can anyone understand why I say this is stressful and not a very "heehee" happy moment?? They finally came wheeling Abby out after about 30 minutes and I see this little person with a misshapen head and very LARGE genitalia. I am standing there not saying anything with a million questions running through my mind when my Mom who knows me comes up to me and says, "It's O.K. baby. They are supposed to look like that and she is beautiful!" I was too stressed to appreciate the "beauty" all I could think about was "How is my wife?" She was fine. It was at this point that I could start to appreciate the event. I finally got to hold my little princess and kiss her (I have been the first to kiss all of my children on their arrival from Heaven). It may have been one of my most stressful moments but she is one of my best accomplishments.
Everyone kept saying that it was so much fun to buy for a little girl and it seemed like the UPS man could not pass my house without dropping off a dress for Abby! It was only fitting that I (who had just a touch of hellion in me during my youth) would be the one with a beautiful girl-child! I can remember that I had wanted a boy but after she came I kept wanting more little girls! It didn't take her long to ensnare me with those long eye lashes and sweet little smile. She knew what she was doing when she would tell whoever we were talking to that she was "Daddy's Heart!" Before she was born, Angie and I were driving to the hospital and I told Angie that if there was a complication that I would tell the doctor to save her and not to worry about the baby. At Abby's first birthday Angie jokingly asked me how I felt about that statement to which I replied, "If that happened now . . . we sure would miss you!" The thing that I love the most about her is that she is a mixture of the very best of both her Mother and myself. She is compassionate, smart, driven, thoughtful and VERY determined. I am never surprised when I find that she has given her money to someone that doesn't have any or gives her toys to someone that doesn't have as much as she does. She hones her sales ability by working me like nobody else can. I sit back at times and shake my head at sales tactics that took me years to perfect and to which she seems to use with an ease and the practice of an adult! Her abilities have left me with anything from painted toenails to catalogue orders place on my AMEX. I am SURE this does not bode well for my financial future but I simply can not resist her charms! She is now the Mother Hen for her two brothers and in return they adore her and would fight you tooth and nail over her. Her talents are endless and my life is so much richer because of her presence.

Everyone kept saying that it was so much fun to buy for a little girl and it seemed like the UPS man could not pass my house without dropping off a dress for Abby! It was only fitting that I (who had just a touch of hellion in me during my youth) would be the one with a beautiful girl-child! I can remember that I had wanted a boy but after she came I kept wanting more little girls! It didn't take her long to ensnare me with those long eye lashes and sweet little smile. She knew what she was doing when she would tell whoever we were talking to that she was "Daddy's Heart!" Before she was born, Angie and I were driving to the hospital and I told Angie that if there was a complication that I would tell the doctor to save her and not to worry about the baby. At Abby's first birthday Angie jokingly asked me how I felt about that statement to which I replied, "If that happened now . . . we sure would miss you!" The thing that I love the most about her is that she is a mixture of the very best of both her Mother and myself. She is compassionate, smart, driven, thoughtful and VERY determined. I am never surprised when I find that she has given her money to someone that doesn't have any or gives her toys to someone that doesn't have as much as she does. She hones her sales ability by working me like nobody else can. I sit back at times and shake my head at sales tactics that took me years to perfect and to which she seems to use with an ease and the practice of an adult! Her abilities have left me with anything from painted toenails to catalogue orders place on my AMEX. I am SURE this does not bode well for my financial future but I simply can not resist her charms! She is now the Mother Hen for her two brothers and in return they adore her and would fight you tooth and nail over her. Her talents are endless and my life is so much richer because of her presence.
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