He is a whirlwind of energy with just a little bit of dirt on him . . . . This is my description of my middle child and my name-sake. Kenneth Steve Sellers, III was born on June 26, 2006. We call him Trey, Trey Love, Daddy's Boy, and sometimes I just call him Perfect. He didn't have the drama that his sister brought with her on her birth. He was a C-section baby as well but at least we knew what time and day to be there! That is not to say that he was slighted. He had just as many people waiting on his arrival as did his sister. When he made his appearance I was in the delivery room and all I could think about was how much Abby was going to love having her own doll to play with. I had been a little conflicted about his name because as a Jr. I knew the complications that he will face with tax bill mix-ups, phone calls from people looking for the other person, etc.. When I saw this little man-child all I could think of was . . . his name fits!! It is such an unreal thing to watch your mini-me grow up! I see him do things or say things or sometimes just stand a certain way and it is like I am looking in a mirror. That is exciting and scary at the same time!! I want him to experience all of the joys that I have had but I also want him to miss all of the pain. I know that to have one you MUST have the other but it kills me to even think about that. He has the BEST personality and sense of humor! He will say things and I will get so tickled because even when I don't think they are funny he does! His laughter is my drug of choice!! I have been lucky with him. For the past two years I have been in school and this has allowed me to spend so much free time with him that I didn't get to do with Abby. Every Friday (before Dental School started) I was able to pick him up from his Pre-School and those were HIS days. We would go anywhere and do anything that he wanted to do. Our schedule started out (most of the time) with lunch at Buzzy's. This was a convenience store in Uvalda that had good food but more importantly (to Trey) it had lots of Big Bucks on the walls! I also think that he loved that place because the ladies who ran it always doted on him and gave him candy and ice cream. Next we would go see Papa at his bank and get suckers and let Papa steal his kisses. Then we would go to the Court House in Hazlehurst and ride the only elevator in town! He loved that!! I think Judge Wilkes on the upstairs floor thought that we were stalking him. After that we would have to go to the post office and he HAD to open our P.O. box with the key all by himself. There were many other stops along the way but as we did all these things he would hold my hand and tell me things that were important to him. I will always treasure this time. He is my hunter, football player, golfer and all-around riding partner. He loves these things and it thrills my heart because I do too!
To be such a rough and tumble boy he surprises me with his tender heart. I have often watched his feelings get hurt by a harsh word or a critical comment. I think this is his most valuable asset. I want him to grow up to be tough but I never want him to lose his compassion for others. You can't have that compassion without a tender heart. He makes good decisions for one so young. I'll never forget watching him at his Pre-School party playing on the water slides that they had brought in for the occasion. Everyone was running around willy-nilly and having a fine old time. The big hit was the slide. I watched as everyone raced down the slide and then raced back to the line to do it again. There was a point when this little girl wasn't paying attention and had let a gap form between her and the next one in line. Trey came up, assessed the situation, and instead of cutting in front of her (like a few before him had) he took the little girl and moved her to where she should be and then dutifully got behind her. He didn't know I was watching but in that moment I saw greatness. In order to be great you must not only know right from wrong but practice it . . . even when nobody is looking.
I always joke that out of all my kids that Trey is the most loving. I say this because I love to kiss on them and Abby and Peyton will grudgingly give me sugar but Trey . . . well Trey you have to worry about him giving you the tongue!!! He always meets me at the door and is the first to kiss me good night. He takes up for his brother and sister and he also torments them (which is what brothers do!). He doesn't like naps or baby-sitters but he does love to run. He eats in spurts and by that I mean that one day you can't fill him up and the next day he may not eat 3 bites! He is extremely smart and hard working. He has more patience than I have ever had and I think that I may need to thank Angie for that! I look forward to his future but I dread him growing up!

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